Eye in eye. The people behind mummy portraits

The first exhibition on Ancient Egyptian mummy portraits in the Netherlands initiated by the Allard Pierson. Mummy portraits are painted portraits of the deceased, usually on wood. She…

Fortress Holland

The visitor center of the Droogdok Jan Blanken is undergoing a complete transformation. Everything will be completely renovated and converted into a full-fledged museum. Kloosterboer Decor will…

Museum Gouda chapel

In the chapel of Museum Gouda we are working on the new presentation of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century religious art. Elements from the previously built exhibition 'Experience…

Research museum of Utrecht University

The Utrecht University Museum (UMU) is being renovated. It will be a family museum where you can actively become acquainted with scientific research at Utrecht University in the present...

Redesign Purmerends Museum phase02

The Purmerends Museum will renew its permanent display on the second floor in the coming year. In this new presentation the museum wants to…

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