"De Schatkamer" - Viseum Veenendaal
"De Schatkamer" - Viseum Veenendaal
"De Schatkamer" - Viseum Veenendaal
"De Schatkamer" - Viseum Veenendaal
"De Schatkamer" - Viseum Veenendaal

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Permanent presentation “the Treasury”

Viseum Veenendaal, located in the Cultuurfabriek on Kees Stipplein, tells the history of Veenendaal. The history that started 500 years ago with the first peat excavations in this area. Peat extraction attracted people and this led to the creation of a settlement, the current Veenendaal.

The cottage industry, the major industries such as wool, cigars and textile industries and living habits are also discussed. The many excavations, objects and documents displayed in the museum bring this history to life.

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client: Visa Veenendaal
design: André Postma
location: Veenendaal
realization: 2011
status: permanent
photography: Mike Bink
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