Frans Hals Museum interieur
Frans Hals Museum interieur
Frans Hals Museum vaste presentatie
Frans Hals Museum vaste presentatie
Frans Hals Museum interieur

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Frans Hals Museum

In 2013, the Frans Hals Museum celebrated its 100th anniversary. In this anniversary year, various spaces were acquired (the workshop space, locker space and film space).  a new facility.

The workshop space became a fresh and contemporary studio. The designers have reflected in all rooms the virtuoso use of color by Frans Hals. The main element in the room is a 12 meter long cupboard. The upper part of the cupboard has cupboard space with blind doors where sample cards from Frans Hals' color palette have been milled out.

The installation in the film room consists of 67 screens of different sizes attached to three walls and tells a biographical cartoon story of Frans Hals.

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client: Frans Hals Museum
design: Caspar Conijn Ilona Laurijsse
location: Haarlem
realization: 2012
status: permanent
surface: 180 m2
photography: Mike Bink
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