Mauritshuis tentoonstelling "Het Gebouw"
Mauritshuis tentoonstelling "Het Gebouw"
Mauritshuis tentoonstelling "Het Gebouw"
Mauritshuis tentoonstelling "Het Gebouw"
Mauritshuis tentoonstelling "Het Gebouw"
Mauritshuis tentoonstelling "Het Gebouw"

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Openingstentoonstelling ‘Het Gebouw’

The opening exhibition 'Mauritshuis Het Gebouw' looks back on the rich history and illustrious residents and users of the building that has stood on the Hofvijver as an icon of The Hague since 1644. The Mauritshuis is one of the most famous classicist buildings in the Netherlands. Together with the Palace on Dam Square, it is one of the most important construction projects of Jacob van Campen, a star architect of his time.

The thematic presentation highlights the many facets of the Mauritshuis. Drawings, paintings and prints tell about the creation of the building, the fire in 1704, the first museum furnishings from 1822 and the current construction project that makes the museum suitable for the 21st century.

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client: Mauritshuis
design: Kinkorn
location: The Hague
realization: 2014
status: Temporary exhibition
photography: Mike Bink
pers: Volkskrant 28 juni 2014NRC 27 juni 2014
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