Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience
Neeltje Jans Delta Experience

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Neeltje Jans

More than half of the Netherlands is below sea level. The Delta Works were built for everyone's safety to prevent a recurrence of the 1953 flood disaster. At Delta Park Neeltje Jans you can experience history again: From the flood to the construction of the Delta Works.

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client: Delta Park Neeltje Jans
design: Todd van Hulzen is M Studio Louter
location: Delta Park Neeltje Jans
realization: 2015
status: permanent
photography: Mike Bink
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