Shell Expedition Earth Experience
Shell Expedition Earth Experience
Shell Expedition Earth Experience
Shell Expedition Earth Experience
Shell Expedition Earth Experience

Shell Expedition Earth

When the visitor Expedition Earth a lot awaits him when he enters. A virtual elevator takes him on a journey straight through the face of the earth. It is not an easy journey, because the layers of earth you pass are erratic and the journey comes in fits and starts. The deeper you go, the warmer it gets. The layers you encounter along the way include salt, sand, gas, coal, diamond and magma. You end up in the core of the Earth at a depth of 6,000 kilometers.

This virtual journey to the interior of the earth is based on the famous story of Jules Verne and was developed together with Shell, EBN, TNO and the Kadaster. The attraction was introduced during the Shell EcoMarathon and will be on display at GeoFort and at various Shell events in the coming years.

client: GeoFort Foundation
design: MMEK.
location: Traveling
realization: 2014
photography: Kay Kloosterboer
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