• admin
  • Posted by admin
December 21, 2009

Graphic Design Museum

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
December 20, 2009

Zuwe Hofpoort Hospital

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
December 20, 2007

[themeone_spacer height=”35px” class=””] [themeone_one_fourth txtalign=”txt-left” boxed=”” padding=”” color=”” last_column=”” anim=”” delay=”0ms”][themeone_spacer height=”1px”...

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
December 20, 2006

Sento Spa & Health Club

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
December 20, 2006

Various examples of ship furniture manufactured by Kloosterboer.

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
December 20, 2005


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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
December 20, 2000

Multifunctional coffee cart, combination of powder-coated steel, stainless steel and high-gloss spray-painted MDF.

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  • admin
  • Posted by admin
December 20, 1998

[themeone_spacer height=”35px” class=””] [themeone_one_fourth txtalign=”txt-left” boxed=”” padding=”” color=”” last_column=”” anim=”” delay=”0ms”][themeone_spacer height=”1px”...

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