CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort
CliniClowns College Amersfoort

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CliniClowns College

On May 16, 2012, Queen Máxima opened the CliniClowns College in Amersfoort. This is a unique theater experience, where sick and/or disabled children experience a tailor-made performance. The aim is to give these children a day of distraction and fun so that they forget for a moment that they are sick.

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client: CliniClowns Foundation
design: Jaap Verburg
location: Amersfoort
realization: 2012
status: permanent
photography: Mike Bink
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