
Eline Arbo directs The Hours of Michael Cunningham. The Hours takes place on one day in the lives of three women, at three different moments in the 20th century. One is a book publisher, another a housewife and the third is the writer Virginia Woolf. All three struggle with the question of how to be yourself in a world that is constricting like a straightjacket.


In Eline Arbo's direction, Cunningham's loving literary observation becomes visible on stage. She creates a world in which a writer shares space with his characters.


Kloosterboer was responsible for building the decor, including the large rotating disc on stage.

  • client

    International Theater Amsterdam

  • Direction

    Eline Arbo

  • design

    Pascal Lebourq

  • images

    International Theater Amsterdam / Dim Balsem

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