Fashion Statements – Amsterdam Museum

The clothes we wear reveal something about our personality. Fashion expresses our identity, what we find important or what we stand for. In this exhibition, six leading contemporary designers place their creations next to and opposite our historic collection of fashion from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. It is a dialogue between the present and the past; an exchange of statements.

The exhibition features more than 75 historical costumes, each used by its wearer to express themselves or convey a message. Six contemporary designers, including Karim Adduchi, Marga Weimans and Bas Kosters, take a contemporary look at the 75 masterpieces from the Amsterdam Museum's costume collection; What statements did people make with this clothing in the past and how do we view it today? They do this by showing their own modern designs, which are inspired by the fashion statements of the time, in addition to the historic clothing from the Amsterdam Museum.

The exhibition can be seen from April 18 to September 8, 2019 in the Amsterdam Museum.

  • client

    Amsterdam Museum

  • design

    Tatyana van Walsum

  • photography

    Sarah-Dona photography

  • Tags

    temporary exhibition

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