2020 AV multimedia museums June 3, 2020

General Maczek Memorial

The General Maczek Memorial is a permanent exhibition in the General Maczek Museum. The setup was developed to keep alive the memory of the deployment of the Polish troops, especially those of General Maczek's 1st Polish Armored Division.

Under the leadership of General Stanislaw Maczek, large parts of the Netherlands and Belgium were recaptured from the Germans at the end of the Second World War. The Polish troops fought in Breda, among other places, and then entered Belgium, after which they also liberated Tielt.

A huge multimedia wall with images of the liberation by the Polish troops accompanies visitors into the building. The story of the efforts of the Polish liberators is told in a modern way.

Kloosterboer is responsible for the execution of the exhibition, including the interior and audio-visual hardware,

The Maczek Memorial Breda will be open to visitors from June 3, 2020.

  • client


  • design


  • realization


  • location


  • photography

    Mike Bink

  • Tags

    av hardware

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