Hollands Kaasmuseum Alkmaar
Hollands Kaasmuseum Alkmaar
Hollands Kaasmuseum Alkmaar
Hollands Kaasmuseum Alkmaar
Hollands Kaasmuseum Alkmaar
Hollands Kaasmuseum Alkmaar
Hollands Kaasmuseum Alkmaar

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Dutch Cheese Museum

On March 6, 2014, King Willem Alexander opened the completely redesigned museum in the Waag building on Waagplein in Alkmaar.

Through historical utensils and audiovisual resources, the museum shows the history of the preparation of cheese and dairy products. In addition to the development of cheese making, life in the countryside is also depicted. Particularly by using audiovisual options, it has become much more of a 'do-museum', which also makes it more attractive for children.

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client: Dutch Cheese Museum
design: Text & Explanation
location: Alkmaar
realization: 2014
status: permanent
photography: Kay Kloosterboer
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