Eye in eye. The people behind mummy portraits

The first exhibition on Ancient Egyptian mummy portraits in the Netherlands initiated by the Allard Pierson.


Mummy portraits are painted portraits of the deceased, usually on wood. They were made during the Roman period in Egypt and attached to the facial area of the mummified individuals after treating and wrapping the body. About 1,100 are known worldwide, five of which are in the collection of the Allard Pierson. More than thirty can be seen in Eye to Eye.


In Eye in eye visitors are not only introduced to the portrayed people, but also to makers, relatives, followers, collectors, archaeologists and researchers who play a role in these portraits.


Kloosterboer is responsible for the production and installation of this new temporary exhibition in the Allard Pierson.


The exhibition can be seen from October 6 to February 25.

  • client

    Allard Pierson museum

  • design

    Studio Berry Slok

  • image

    Allard Pierson museum

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