Shoe Quarter

The new Shoe Quarter, which covers three thousand square meters and houses a collection of twelve thousand contemporary and historical shoes, is much more than just an exhibition space. Here you will discover the most special shoes, the tanning history of the Langstraat, but also how shoes are designed and made in the manufacturing labs.


The former leather and shoe museum has moved to the monumental Kropholler complex in Waalwijk. Spread over three floors with the themes of making, meeting and wondering, you will learn everything about shoes and the materials they are made of. On the first floor, objects, image and sound fragments paint a multi-sided picture of the hard work, technical progress and rapidly changing foot fashion. There are also workshops where you can get behind the machines yourself.


The museum facilities were designed by Tinker imagineers. Commissioned by and in collaboration with Tinker Imagineers, Kloosterboer developed, produced and installed the new presentations for the museum, including the audiovisual multimedia.


The temporary opening exhibition 'Put On Your Red Shoes' can be visited from June 28 to February 5, 2023.

  • client

    Tinker Imagineers & Municipality of Waalwijk

  • design

    Tinker Imagineers

  • interactive software


  • lighting design

    Heinz Loopstra

  • photography

    Mike Bink

  • Tags

    av multimedia, interactive, exhibition

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