Stedelijk Museum Coevorden
Stedelijk Museum Coevorden
Stedelijk Museum Coevorden
Stedelijk Museum Coevorden
Stedelijk Museum Coevorden

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Stedelijk Museum Coevorden Permanent presentation in Het Arsenaal

Coevorden has had a fascinating but intense history full of war, destruction and an eternal struggle for power. The Stedelijk Museum Coevorden, part of the Arsenal, takes the visitor on a journey of discovery through the story of Coevorden from the first viscount to the present day.

In the new space, under the beams of the Arsenaal, the visitor discovers the rich history of Coevorden. The story of Coevorden is told on the basis of a 36 meter long cupboard wall in which, in addition to many objects from the permanent collection, seven models, audio and animations illustrate the story of this city.

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client: Municipal Museum Coevorden
design: Caspar Conijn & Ilona Laurijsse
location: Coevorden
realization: 2013
status: permanent
photography: Mike Bink
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Municipal Museum Coevorden

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