Tentoonstelling "Welkom in Welgelegen" - Provincie Noord-Holland Caspar Conijn & Ray Mensink Provinciehuis Welgelegen Haarlem
Tentoonstelling "Welkom in Welgelegen" - Provincie Noord-Holland Caspar Conijn & Ray Mensink Provinciehuis Welgelegen Haarlem
Tentoonstelling "Welkom in Welgelegen" - Provincie Noord-Holland Caspar Conijn & Ray Mensink Provinciehuis Welgelegen Haarlem
Tentoonstelling "Welkom in Welgelegen" - Provincie Noord-Holland Caspar Conijn & Ray Mensink Provinciehuis Welgelegen Haarlem
Tentoonstelling "Welkom in Welgelegen" - Provincie Noord-Holland Caspar Conijn & Ray Mensink Provinciehuis Welgelegen Haarlem

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Provincial House Welgelegen: “Welcome to Welgelegen”

Country estate, art gallery, Royal Palace, summer palace, museum, provincial government building: Pavilion Welgelegen on the Dreef in Haarlem has had a variety of functions. The exhibition reveals a large part of history through various (art) objects, prints, paintings and pieces of furniture.

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client: Province of North Holland
design: Caspar Conijn & Ray Mensink
location: Haarlem
realization: 2013
status: permanent
surface: 130 m2
photography: Mike Bink
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“Welcome to Welgelegen”

en_GBEnglish (UK)