Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag
Wonderkamers 2.0 - Gemeente Museum Den Haag

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Chambers of Wonder 2.0

The Gemeentemuseum strives to bring modern art, both contemporary and classical-modern, more to the people. A number of years ago, Wonderkamers were developed especially for young people. A unique concept within art museums worldwide. After the thorough renovation, Wonderkamers 2.0 is more interactive than ever before. Visitors are introduced to visual arts, crafts, architecture and fashion in a surprising, playful and interactive way. Thanks to the most modern exhibition techniques, art comes to life through a game in which you as a visitor play the leading role.

The Gemeentemuseum has won a prestigious prize with 'De Wonderkamers 2.0': the Thea Award. This award can be considered the 'Oscar' for the attraction industry worldwide.   

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client: Municipality of Museum The Hague
design: Kossmann.dejong
location: The Hague
realization: 2013
status: permanent
surface: 1200 m2
photography: Mike Bink
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Chambers of Wonder 2.0

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