Green & social

Excessive production and consumption depletes the earth. This leads to biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution. Our mission at Kloosterboer is to play a green role and contribute to a sustainable society. In this way, together we ensure a livable planet.

How do we want to achieve that together?

Dat is best complex. Wij maken namelijk regelmatig tijdelijke tentoonstellingen en dat is niet per se duurzaam. Kloosterboer zet zich daarom in voor een duurzamer productieproces. Dat doen we al jaren; zo zetten we in de jaren ‘80 en ‘90 voor verschillende reclameproducties wandjes in met gespannen doeken (met standaardafmeting). Door de doeken te wisselen konden we er makkelijk een andere uitstraling aan geven en op die manier materiaal hergebruiken. Tegenwoordig is er nog maar weinig vraag naar standaardafmetingen. We zijn daarom aan de slag gegaan met andere duurzaamheidprocessen. We doen dit in stappen op korte en lange termijn.



We willen regelmatig in gesprek gaan over de duurzame keuzes die we kunnen maken. Daarom hebben we een speciale werkgroep opgericht. Op dit moment werken zij aan een manier waarop we met restmateriaal andere producten kunnen maken.




The roofs of our commercial buildings will be equipped with no fewer than 580 in 2020 solar panels. This way we are self-sufficient for most of the electricity that we consume. 



To reduce the burden on the environment, we use as much as possible durable materials. We also ask our suppliers to purchase as sustainably as possible. What else do we do?

– Efficient use of materials

Our CNC machine is set up in such a way min possible residual material is created. We do not throw away the leftover material. We saw large pieces to size to use them for other products, small pieces are used for new sheet material. Before we purchase new material, we check what is still there usable residual material.

– Choose less environmentally harmful materials

We replace harmful raw materials with sustainable alternatives as much as possible. That's how we use it exclusively CE approved and FSC certified (wood) materials. The standard sheet material used is Ecoplex. This is a collection of plywood and rod-glued multi-layer panels based on poplars from European ecological cultivated forests. The sheet material is environmentally friendly, low in formaldehyde and lightweight.

We only use water-based paint. This is much less harmful than traditional turpentine-based dilutable paint. It is Healthier in use and much better for it environment.


Environmental footprint

To reduce our environmental footprint, we try to use local suppliers as much as possible. We also carry out as many operations as possible in our own workshop. This way we maintain control over the sustainability of the materials and reduce the environmental impact of the transport of purchased parts. We also minimize our CO2 emissions by working from home and holding meetings remotely, via online programs.

Even small steps make a difference


We like to have lunch together in the canteen and started at the beginning of 2020 Vega Thursday, to encourage each other to eat less meat. This has now grown into a completely vegetarian lunch based on: organic vegetables, some of which is our own vegetable garden/greenhouse comes. This vegetable greenhouse comes from the exhibition '50 years of King Willem-Alexander' in the Royal Palace Amsterdam and we have reused it. We also grow fresh organic herbs on our balcony.


We use as little (printing) paper as possible. That is why we have our entire accounting/project administration automated in 2019. Time sheets are completed via our time tracking app. Incoming and outgoing invoices will only be processed via email e-mail. The paper that is still used has a FSC quality mark. This provides the certainty that the raw material of the paper comes from responsibly managed forests.


In 2007 we chose to bank with Triodos Bank, one of the most sustainable banks ter wereld.

Green Mission Statement
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